Four years that will prepare students for the world

Educating the mind and heart is an act of exploration, and the Upper School builds a never-ending desire to learn. 在皇冠体育app,女孩们探索自己能力的深处,发展出最好的自己. 他们在学校的最后几年让他们展示并巩固了他们的激情和目标, and to do so with intellectual integrity and empathy.

Though each student’s path is unique, Upper School students are marked by their compassion, independence, and curiosity. 他们喜欢自己作为班级、社区和世界的开放参与者的角色.

By the end of their journey at Nightingale, these young women have deepened their friendships, strengthened their voices, and stretched their limits. As true explorers of the academic and the creative, our graduates are poised to become great stewards of their futures.

Upper School Highlights

Worlds to Explore

整个九年级的学生去伦敦旅行,是几个月来文学联系学习的高潮, history, science, and art. 这次旅行是整个高中提供的许多出国留学选择中的第一个. 每个学习现代语言的学生都有机会到使用该语言的国家旅行,亲身体验当地文化. 随着对全球教育的关注,学生离开皇冠体育app成为世界公民.


No Limits

皇冠体育app的独立学习计划使女孩能够不受限制地追求自己独特的激情. Under the close guidance of a faculty mentor, 高年级学生在春季学期就他们选择的主题进行研究和报告. 过去的项目包括“都市农业的未来”和“波斯湾的女权主义”. 该项目是一种大学水平的体验,给大四学生带来了巨大的个人成就感.

Nightingale’s Independent Study Program empowers the pursuit of passions without limits.

Making Positive Change

Going Beyond Barriers takes Nightingale’s mission into practice. Over four years, students reflect on social issues, their roles in the community, and how they can make positive changes. 他们通过公开演讲来识别领导行为和磨练沟通技巧. 这个序列的高潮是通过多种镜头思考生命的基本问题,以一种只有皇冠体育app才能做到的方式教育思想和心灵.

Going Beyond Barriers puts Nightingale’s mission into practice.

Years at a Glance

Programs & Curriculum

A class for every passion
